Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Property Shoots Australia regards the privacy and data protection of online users with supreme importance. On our website your privacy and confidentiality, in connection with your name, address and email address are maintained on a secure server. Your privacy is handledin accordance with all privacy laws that govern Australia, and as such Property Shoots Australiashare personal information for any purpose unless you advise us to do otherwise.

Loggingactivity on the site

Every time you visit web server collects and keeps records of certain information for a reasonable period of time. These logs are used exclusively for performance, site administration and security reviews. We do not partake in unauthorized selling or sharing of any information with any third party.


We may make use of cookies to preserve your computer sessions to our server. We never sell or share any information that we learn about you through the use of cookies to any arbitrator or for any purpose. Ifyou block our cookies that is your right to do so.

How your personal Information is used

• The information collected by Property Shoots Australia may be used as:
• We collect information about you including your address, email address, or your contact number, that you grantusto use. For example, wemay obtainprivate information about you when you send us an email through our website or sign up for our newsletter where applicable.
• If you previously agreed that your personal information may be used for marketing or other purposes, you can change the decisionat any time.
• If you believe that any information that we have is inaccurate or incomplete, simply contact us. On inspection, we will remove information from the system.

Policy Revisions

Any changes to this privacy policy will be communicated on this site. Any such modification will be prospective. It will not have an effect on how we deal with personal information submitted to us prior to when or if the modificationsoccur.

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